I choose to put in a 2-3 drops of tea tree oil which is a antiseptic since I really like the fresh clean scent. If I recall the bottle was approximately $6.00. Some choose to add a scoop of oxygenated cleaner, but if I have really bad grass stains or similar challenges I just use a little of the borax or soda and rub it into the wet fabric and it works wonderfully. Even if you vary the recipe it doesn't increase significantly in cost. I also save money by finding used three gallon buckets - check your local bakery.
I have personally tested the recipes below in a standard washer and dryer. There are comments I have found online about useage of the powder recipe in HE machines ( 1t. per load) with good results, however, I have not tried it. I can tell you when I cleaned my machine, there wasn't very much gunk floating around in the water. In regular boxes of laundry soap, most of it is filler, so we are just skipping that unneccessary stuff. So, by leaving out unnecessary things, what can you use your savings for?
Prices at my regular grocery stores as of today
Arm and Hammer wash soda $2.79 (55 oz.) Brookshire Brothers
Fels Naptha Laundry Bar $1.56 (per bar) Kroger's
Borax Laundry Booster $4.29 (4 lb. box) Brookshire Brothers
3 Pints Water
1/3 Bar Fels Naptha Soap, Grated
1/2 Cup Washing Soda
1/2 Cup Borax
2 Gallon Bucket
1 Quart Hot Water
Hot Water
( You can totally delegate this to your kids I mean, umm, let your older kids conduct this really cool experment by mixing this up.) Mix the Fels
Naptha / Zote soap in a saucepan with 3 pints of water, & heat on low until it is dissolved. Stir in Washing Soda and Borax. Stir until thickened, and remove from heat. Add 1 Quart Hot Water to 2 Gallon Bucket.
(I have found it easier to mix in a larger bucket, marked with a 2 gallon line for convenience.) Add the soap mixture, and mix thoroughly. Fill bucket with hot water, mixing well. Set aside for 24 hours, or until mixture thickens. Use 1/2 cup of mixture per load.
Powdered Laundry Detergent
1/2 Cup Washing Soda
1/2 Cup Borax
Mix thoroughly. This is really easy and quick to assemble and I keep some mixed up as a backup.
For light load, use 1 tablespoon.
For heavy or heavily soiled load, use 2 tablespoons.
2 Cups White Vinegar
2 Cups Baking Soda
4 Cups Water
Combine slowly and carefully over sink. The baking soda and vinegar will fizz.
Pour into plastic bottle, cover, and shake.
Use 1/4 cup in the final rinse or in a fabric softner ball.
I have also started using just 1/4 cup of vinegar in the rinse cycle ( or little blue fabric softener ball)
and my cheapo 2.50 towels are really fluffy.
1/2 Cup Ammonia
1/2 Cup White Vinegar
2 Tablespoons Liquid Laundry Detergent (Use HomeMade)
2 Quarts Water
Mix well, use on a regular basis, I have noticed it breaks down if you, let's say, place it on a shelf for a couple of months while you experment with vinegar...it may feel neglected, but it really shouldn't as I had really good results with it as well. I followed the instructions on the webpage I found these recipes on and reused a stain spray bottle. After doing alot of research, I found alot of repeated information about recipes for detergent. The ones above are not original, but were found here.
Here is a recipe for a simple process to clean out your washer. It really helps to resolve the sour smell as reported in the comments section.
Here is a recipe for a simple process to clean out your washer. It really helps to resolve the sour smell as reported in the comments section.
I happen to be able to find the products between a couple of stores, but for many that isn't the case. There are a few sites listed below you can order supplies from that I have listed below. If you are limited to ordering your supplies from the web I would appreciate it if you explore the links below. It doesn't cost you extra, however, I get something like $ 0.35 for each bar of soap you order. Don't get jealous- but I so TOTALLY plan on spending it on something trivial. Like textbooks / or tuition. or umm, property taxes. rent. or possibly utility bills since our hot Texas summers are just around the corner. Like I said, don't get jealous. water bills. medical expenses. Fun stuff. Totally.
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